
Mr. Ranjan Kumar

I was tested COVID positive and immediately decided to take the Home Quarentine Package from Yashoda Hospitals.The services provided by the entire team was excellent. The Doctors were cordial and the suggestion given by them were so helpful to cope with the situation....

Mr. Mohammad Akram

I am Mohammad Akram. I had symptoms of COVID-19 and I got myyself admitted in the government Hospital. After I got discharged my brother advised me to take the COVID-19 Healthcare Package from Yashoda Hospitals. It has helped me regain my health,the nurses and the...

Mr. Vikram Varma

My heartfelt thanks to the heathcare proffesionals and nurses of Yashoda Hospitals to provide me with excellent treatment. Special thanks to Dr. Ranga Santhosh for his good care and concern, his proffessionaism helped me gain confidence. It is ony because of him that...

Mr. Subhaash & Mrs. Sreedevi

My wife and I were tested positive for COVID-19 and decided to book the Home Quarantine Package of Yashoda Hospitals. During this period the guidance of Dr. R Santosh kumar gave us moral support and breathing exercises suggested by the physiotherapist and dietitians...

Mr. Kiranbaby SandeepReddy

My wife and I were tested positive for COVID19. Initially, we panicked a lot but soon we came to know about the Home Quarantine Package at Yashoda Hospitals. Dr. Santosh, physiotherapists and the nurses were very helpful and cleared all our doubts regarding the virus...
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