
R. C. Kandali

I am above 70 years of age and a retired bank employee. Since childhood, I had a cyst attached to my ear which sometimes made me feel uneasy. I approached a surgeon at Guwahati to get the cyst removed. Prior to the procedure, I was asked to undergo multiple health...
Ms. C. H. Ramya

Ms. C. H. Ramya

Ms. C. H. Ramya was suffering with hip joint problem from past two years, lack of proper diagnosis she was not able to get relief from this pain and facing difficulty in walking. At Yashoda hospitals my problem diagnosed correctly and with successful Hip Arthroscopy...
Mrs. S. Krishna Kumari

Mrs. S. Krishna Kumari

Mrs. S. Krishna Kumari consulted us with severe cough and un-diagnosed fever for past one month. The patient underwent advanced procedure called navigational bronchoscopy. Lesions in the CT scan was not approachable by a routine bronchoscopy so we used navigational...
Mr. Veera Swamy

Mr. Veera Swamy

Mr. Veera Swamy consulted Dr. Viswesvaran Balasubramanian at Yashoda Hospitals Malakpet with complaints of severe cough and had difficulty in breathing. Pneumothorax was detected on checking the chest X-ray and with the help of a CT Scan, a pill was found which he had...
Ajay Rajesh Son

Ajay Rajesh Son

“I was very worried about my father’s Robotic Bullectomy surgery, Thanks to Dr. Hari Kishan Gonuguntla and his team, for a successful surgery and for instilling so much confidence in us, especially in my father,” says Ajay, patient’s son.
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