
What is Blood Group Test?

A blood group test is a simple and easy method of determining your unique blood type. Although blood contains the same components, there are different blood types. Depending on the genes your parents have passed down to you, you have one of eight distinct blood groups. These eight blood groups are A positive, A negative, B positive, B negative, AB positive, AB negative, O positive and O negative. A blood group test uses the antigen-antibody method to get your test result.



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      Frequently Asked Questions:

      What is a Blood Group Test used for?

      A blood group test determines your unique blood type. This blood type is not the same for every person. Whenever there is a requirement for a blood transfusion, only people of the same blood group can transfer blood to those in need.

      Understanding the test results of the Blood Group Test

      It is extremely simple to interpret the test results. There are two major parts to the report: Blood grouping and Rh typing. The blood group will tell you what type of blood you have (A, B, O, and AB). Additionally, Rh typing will determine whether you have Rh antigen. Accordingly, your final blood group will either be positive or negative (A+, A-, etc).

      Why do I need a Blood Group Test?

      The most important reason to identify your blood group is in the event of a medical emergency. If you require a blood transfusion, you will need a compatible blood type. An incompatible blood type can cause blood cells to clump together, which can be lethal.

      What happens during the Blood Group Test?

      A blood group test involves the collection of a blood sample. With the help of a lancet, only a few drops of your blood are taken for this test. Any diagnostic centre with a laboratory will be able to do the test, but it is always advisable to consult with a recognized lab.

      What are the different blood group types?

      The four primary blood types are determined by whether or not antigens A or B are present. The ABO Blood Group System is what doctors refer to it as. These blood groups are:

      • Group A
      • Group B
      • Group AB
      • Group O

      The Rh factor is the third kind of antigen. If you have this antigen, your blood type is ‘Rh+’ or ‘positive,’ and if you don't, your blood type is ‘Rh-’ or ‘negative.’

      Do I need to fast before the test?

      A blood group test is a fairly simple test. There is no special preparation needed before taking this test. You do not fast before taking this test.

      Can blood type be determined without drawing blood?

      Because of the presence of antigens A and B in the saliva of 80% of people, a saliva test can determine blood group type. However, it is important to note that this method does not necessarily indicate the presence or absence of the Rh factor. The idea of a blood group type is better served through a blood test. So, it is always advisable to take a blood group test to find your blood type.

      Will my blood group be the same as my parents?

      Just like the colour of your eyes or hair, your blood type is inherited from your parents too. But you may not always have the same blood group as your parents. A child born of parents with type A and type B blood could have A, B, AB, or O blood groups.

      Will I need to do anything to prepare for the test?

      A blood group test is a fairly simple test and does not require any special preparation.

      Are there any risks to the test?

      A blood group test usually does not involve any risk. As it is a simple test and only involves a prick. However, you might feel some discomfort at the time of pricking. In rare cases, there may be bleeding or infection at the site of the puncture.


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