
What is a CRP Test?

The CRP test, or C-reactive protein test, measures the levels of a protein produced by the liver in response to inflammation in the body. Elevated CRP levels can indicate various conditions, such as autoimmune disorders, chronic diseases, infections, and inflammatory conditions like arthritis. Additionally, high CRP levels can signify an increased risk of cardiovascular problems, including heart attacks, as inflammation can contribute to artery damage. The CRP test is a valuable tool for assessing inflammation levels and potential health risks, helping healthcare providers make informed decisions about patient care and treatment.

What is the CRP Test used for?

The CRP (C-Reactive Protein) test is used to measure the level of C-Reactive Protein produced by your liver. It is further used to:

  • Check for inflammation due to an infection.
  • Determine your risk of heart disease.
  • Evaluate your risk of a second heart attack.
  • Help diagnose chronic inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.

Understanding the test results of CRP (C-Reactive Protein) Test

The CRP (C-Reactive Protein) test measures CRP levels in milligrams per liter (mg/L). Interpretation of the results typically involves assessing the level of CRP in relation to various health conditions, primarily cardiovascular disease risk:

Risk Category

CRP Level (mg/L)


Less than 1.0


1.0 to 3.0


More than 3.0

Elevated CRP levels may indicate a heightened risk of various health issues, including but not limited to infection, cardiovascular disease, cancer, tuberculosis, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or other inflammatory conditions.



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      Frequently Asked Questions:

      Why is the CRP test done?

      The CRP test is conducted to measure the level of C-reactive protein in your blood. It is a marker of inflammation in the body and is used to diagnose or monitor various medical conditions, including infections, autoimmune diseases, and inflammatory disorders. If you are experiencing symptoms such as fever, chills, rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, nausea, and vomiting, a CRP test may be ordered by your healthcare provider to help determine the cause of these symptoms and assess the severity of any underlying inflammation.

      What is the CRP Test Procedure?

      The CRP test is a safe and quick procedure. During the test, a healthcare provider will insert a small needle into a vein in your arm and collect a blood sample in a test tube or vial. This procedure typically takes less than five minutes. However, you may feel a slight stinging sensation when the needle is inserted into the arm's vein.

      What is the normal range for CRP tests?

      The normal range for CRP (C-Reactive Protein) tests typically falls below 10 mg/L, with levels equal to or exceeding 10 mg/L considered high. In assessing heart disease risk, a lower risk is associated with CRP levels under 2.0 mg/L, while higher risk corresponds to levels at or above 2.0 mg/L. However, CRP levels can vary due to age, gender, and overall health. Consult a healthcare professional for a precise interpretation tailored to your specific health context.

      Can CRP test detect lung infection?

      Yes, a CRP (C-reactive protein) test can help in the diagnosis of lung infections. When individuals have respiratory tract infections or diseases, their bodies often produce higher levels of CRP. Elevated CRP levels can be indicative of inflammation, including that caused by lung infections. However, a CRP test alone may not pinpoint the specific cause of the infection; additional tests and clinical evaluation are often needed for a precise diagnosis.

      What is the CRP level for COVID-19 (Corona Virus)?

      Typically, normal C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in blood are less than 10 mg/L. In COVID-19 cases, CRP levels can significantly rise, often reaching 20 to 50 mg/L or higher in severe cases due to excessive inflammatory responses. Interpretation should consider the patient's clinical condition, and consultation with a healthcare professional is advised for accurate assessment and management.

      What Diseases and infections cause high CRP Levels?

      Elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) levels can be associated with various diseases and infections. These include severe bacterial infections like sepsis, inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, bone infections like osteomyelitis, certain fungal infections, and autoimmune disorders like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. While high CRP levels can indicate inflammation in the body, they are not specific to any particular condition.

      How should I prepare for the test?

      C-reactive protein (CRP) levels alone cannot reliably indicate the presence of cancer. While elevated CRP can be a sign of inflammation, which is associated with cancer, it's not specific to cancer. The diagnosis of cancer typically involves various tests, such as imaging, biopsies, and specific cancer markers, along with a comprehensive medical evaluation by a healthcare professional. If you have concerns about cancer, it's essential to consult a doctor for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

      What does a positive CRP test indicate?

      A positive CRP (C-reactive protein) test indicates high levels, suggesting inflammation or infection. Causes include infections, autoimmune disorders (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis), and chronic inflammatory conditions. Symptoms depend on the underlying issue. Depending on the underlying reason, the approach of treatment may include medication, changes in diet, or other measures. Consulting a healthcare provider is essential for accurate diagnosis and treatment

      What does negative CRP mean?

      .A negative CRP (C-reactive protein) result indicates that there is no significant inflammation or infection present at the time of the test. It suggests that CRP levels are within the normal range. However, CRP levels can vary, and a single negative result doesn't guarantee the absence of future inflammation or infection.
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