
What is Calcium Test?

A calcium blood test helps to diagnose the calcium levels in your blood. The importance of calcium for healthy and strong bones and teeth has been emphasised since our childhood. However, the significance of calcium in our body goes beyond just strong teeth and bones. 

Calcium, being the most important mineral in our body, is responsible for the proper functioning of our nerves, muscles, and heart. 99% of calcium in our body is stored in bones, and the rest 1% circulates through our body. Any imbalance in this ratio may indicate an underlying problem with the kidneys, bones, thyroid gland, among others. Thus, a calcium test is often prescribed to identify certain medical conditions.



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      Frequently Asked Questions:

      What is the Calcium Test used for?

      A calcium test is used to determine the amount of calcium present in the blood. A doctor may prescribe a calcium test if you show signs of hypercalcemia (too much calcium) or hypocalcemia (too little calcium). The test can also be used to identify other medical conditions. 

      Understanding the test results of the Calcium Test

      A calcium test report could highlight the diagnosed calcium level against the reference range. For adults, the calcium level in the blood should be 8.5 to 10.2 milligrams/decilitre. Higher calcium levels may indicate hyperparathyroidism, Paget's disease, excessive intake of calcium, etc. A lower calcium level may indicate kidney disease, hypothyroidism, vitamin D deficiency, and other conditions. 

      Why do I need a Calcium Test?

      During regular checkups, the doctor may suggest a calcium test. A doctor may advise a calcium test if you show any sign of abnormal calcium levels. Symptoms may include: 

      • Nausea and vomiting
      • More frequent urination
      • Increased thirst
      • Muscle cramps
      • Irregular heartbeat
      • Tingling sensation in lips, tongue, and fingers

      What happens during the Calcium Test?

      During the calcium test, blood is drawn from a vein in the arm using a needle. The sample is collected in a test tube and then sent to a lab for testing. You might experience a stinging sensation due to the needle. Some labs apply a band-aid at the affected spot. The entire process takes about 5 minutes. 

      What is the test for calcium?

      There are types of calcium tests: 

      Total calcium: This measures the calcium attached to specific proteins present in your blood.

      Ionised calcium: This measures the calcium which is free or unattached (ionised form) to the said proteins.

      Doctors usually ask you to get the total calcium test.

      What is the normal calcium level?

      The normal range for different calcium tests is given in below table:



      Normal Range (Conventional Units)

      Calcium (serum)

      8.6-10.3 mg/dL

      Calcium (ionised)

      4.4-5.2 mg/dL

      PTH (parathyroid hormone)

      11-51 pg/mL

      Creatinine (marker of kidney function)

      0.6-1.3 mg/dL

      Vitamin D 25,hydroxy

      30-80 ng/mL

      Source: UCLA Health

      Is fasting required for a calcium test?

      Usually, you do not need any special preparation for a calcium test. Unlike many other tests, a calcium test does not require fasting (not eating or drinking anything before the test). However, in case your doctor has prescribed some other tests along with the calcium test, you should check with the lab personnel for instructions. 

      Are blood calcium tests accurate?

      If done correctly, blood calcium tests may give important information about your health. The accuracy of blood calcium tests depends on several factors. Sometimes one may see falsely elevated calcium levels because of overactive parathyroid gland and cancer.

      What is a critical calcium level?

      Mostly levels above 12.0mg/DL are considered as a critical level. This condition is known as hypercalcemia and the level at which hypercalcemia symptoms arise vary from person to person. Severe hypercalcemia calls for a medical emergency.

      What do abnormal results mean?

      Higher than normal levels of calcium may indicate: 

      • Multiple myeloma
      • Paget's disease
      • Sarcoidosis
      • Hyperparathyroidism
      • Metastatic bone tumour
      • Milk-alkali syndrome
      • Kidney failure
      • Vitamin D intoxication
      • Excessive calcium intake


      Whereas, lower than normal levels of calcium may indicate: 

      • Hypoparathyroidism
      • Osteomalacia
      • Renal failure
      • Pancreatitis
      • Liver disease (decreased albumin production)
      • Low serum magnesium
      • Malabsorption (inadequate absorption of nutrients from the intestinal tract)
      • Rickets and vitamin D deficiency

      You may book an appointment for a calcium test from a trusted and certified lab. Book an appointment to get accurate calcium test results. 

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