
What is Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT)??

A glucose tolerance test (GTT) is a very simple test used to examine the response of your body to sweets or sugar. A glucose sample is given to you initially, and then blood samples are taken at various intervals. This blood sample is used to assess the reaction of your body cells to Glucose. Your doctor may advise you this test if he suspects any of the below conditions:

  • Diabetes
  • Insulin resistance
  • Decreased beta-cell activity
  • Carbohydrate metabolism disease
  • Hypoglycemia  

There are many types of glucose tolerance tests. The OGTT, or oral glucose tolerance test, is the most frequent type of GTT. It is mainly used in the diagnosis of gestational diabetes.



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      Frequently Asked Questions:

      What is Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) used for?

      A GTT is commonly used in the diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes in pregnant women to assist in the diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes. This test is also offered to pregnant women who have diabetes symptoms or are at risk of developing diabetes before giving birth. A GTT is also used in patients who are suffering from disorders that may increase glucose levels in the blood.

      Understanding the test results of Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT)

      The normal GTT result is less than 140 mg/dL, while blood glucose levels between 140 and 199 mg/dL are a significant indicator of prediabetes. 

      There are no more tests necessary for gestational diabetes, and correct medication and treatment can begin immediately. Further testing is recommended in the case of diabetes to confirm the diagnosis. 

      Why do I need a Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT)?

      You need a GTT if your doctor suspects any abnormality in the body that may change the way your body reacts to sugars/Glucose. A glucose tolerance test aids in the detection of glucose imparity even before there is an abnormality in your fasting blood glucose level.

      What happens during the Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT)?

      A baseline blood sample is taken initially. You are then given an amount of glucose solution to consume. Following that, blood samples are collected at regular intervals to assess blood sugar levels and, on certain occasions, insulin levels. Blood collection can be done at the doctor's request and can take up to 6 hours to complete.

      Why is a GTT test done during pregnancy?

      A GTT is a simple blood test used to detect gestational diabetes, a type of diabetes that can develop during pregnancy. The test assesses your body's capacity to keep blood glucose (sugar) levels in a healthy range.

      How long do GTT test results take?

      you can usually get the result of your test within 48 hours of submission of the sample. However, sometimes it may take longer than 48 hours to get your test results. The timings of getting the test results may vary based on location, lab and other conditions.

      Can I drink water during the GTT test?

      Other than simple water, you are not allowed to consume any other beverages. It's possible that this test might take three to 4 hours to complete. Because activity might affect the findings, you must stay in the lab for the test. While you're waiting, you may watch or read something.

      Which glucose is used for the GTT test?

      The glucose used in GTT is usually anhydrous glucose purchased from a pharmacy. The Glucose solution is prepared by Mixing around 50 grams of glucose with 250 to 300 millilitres of concentrated water. Because glucose dissolves easier in warm water but is more pleasant when cold, it's ideal to make the glucose solution ahead of time.

      What should your blood glucose levels be during the eighth month of pregnancy?

      For pregnant women who test their blood sugar, the American Diabetes Association advises the following goals: 

      • 95 mg/dL or less before a meal
      • 140 mg/dL or less an hour after a meal 
      • 120 mg/dL or less two hours after a meal

      Is 31 weeks too late for a glucose test?

      A GTT is usually recommended in 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy. However, sometimes if your urine test shows an increased level of glucose or if you are considered to be at high risk, your doctor might advise a GTT even before 24 weeks. Similarly, if your doctor thinks it's necessary, he may suggest a GTT test at 31 weeks.


       Are you wondering what the glucose tolerance test results mean? Get a free second opinion from our experts at Yashoda Hospitals today.


      • NICE (2015). Diabetes in pregnancy: management from preconception to the postnatal period. National Institute for health and care excellence https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng3



      • Glucose tests. Lab Tests Online. https://labtestsonline.org/tests/glucose-tests. Accessed Jan. 19, 2018.


      • AskMayoExpert. Gestational diabetes. Mayo Clinic. 2018.\


      • American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical care in diabetes — 2020. Diabetes Care. 2020; doi:10.2337/dc20-SINT.

      American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Practice Bulletin No.190: Gestational diabetes mellitus. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2018; doi: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000002501.

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