
What is the HDL cholesterol test?

A high-density lipoprotein test is used to measure good cholesterol in the human body. Cholesterol is the waxy substance present in the cells of the body. There are two types of cholesterol HDL (high-density lipoprotein), considered good cholesterol, and LDL (low-density lipoproteins), also known as bad cholesterol. HDL is deemed good cholesterol as it helps transfer triglycerides, LDL, and other harmful fats to the liver. Then the liver breaks these unhealthy fats and LDL and converts them into bile. Then these harmful fats are excreted from the body. People with an appropriate HDL cholesterol level are less prone to deposition of unhealthy fats and LDL in the coronary artery. Hence, this test determines the risk of heart disease in an individual. In patients with a high risk of heart disease, their doctors suggest this test regularly.



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      Frequently Asked Questions:

      What is the HDL cholesterol test used for?

      The HDL test is used to measure good cholesterol levels (high-density lipoproteins) in the body. Good high-density lipoproteins decrease the chances of bad fat depositions on arteries and maintain the free flow of blood in the body. This test helps predict the events of heart blockage and strokes in an individual.

      Understanding the test results of the HDL cholesterol test

      The average HDL cholesterol level is 60 million per deciliter (mg/dl). For women, HDL levels less than 50 mg/dl indicate a high risk of heart disease. HDL levels of less than 40 mg/dl indicate an increased risk of heart disease for men. As low HDL levels are not associated with any symptoms, an HDL test is critical to know if you are prone to heart disease.

      Why do I need the HDL cholesterol test?

      HDL cholesterol is included in routine health check-ups by various doctors as it helps in the early identification of risks of heart disease. Hence, you must undergo this test to check your heart's health. This test is critical if you belong to a highly prone group to heart diseases.

      What happens during the HDL cholesterol test?

      HDL test is a rapid and painless test. A blood sample is drawn with the help of a sample needle that will feel like a sting. On the other hand, some home test kits require only a drop of blood collected using a lancet. After blood withdrawal, have some snacks and glucose drinks if you feel lightheaded.

      What is an acceptable HDL cholesterol level?

      The acceptable level of HDL cholesterol is different for men and women. In the case of men and women, the desirable HDL cholesterol levels are 60 mg/dl. In the case of man, HDL cholesterol levels less than 40 mg/dl increase the risk of coronary disease. HDL cholesterol levels less than 50 mg/dl are considered high risk in women.

      What does it mean if my HDL is low?

      Low HDL cholesterol levels imply that you are more prone to develop heart disease. HDL plays a vital role in transferring lousy cholesterol to the liver from where it gets excreted. Low HDL levels increase the chances of cholesterol deposition in arteries, increasing the chances of strokes and coronary artery diseases.

      What is a good HDL cholesterol level for a woman?

      The ideal HDL cholesterol level is considered as 60 mg/dl. If it is higher than 60 mg/dl, the levels are considered high. If it is less than 50 mg/dl, it is deemed to be low levels of HDL cholesterol. Women require high levels of HDL cholesterol for maintaining a healthy heart.

      Does walking raise HDL?

      Walking is considered beneficial for maintaining an appropriate balance of good and bad cholesterol in the body. Research has shown that 30 minutes of brisk walk thrice a week helps raise HDL levels in the body. It also helps lower LDL levels, improving overall health and cholesterol balance in the body.

      Does garlic control cholesterol?

      Garlic is effective in reducing cholesterol levels up to 30 mg/dl. One clove of garlic can reduce cholesterol levels by 10%. Garlic also increases HDL levels by 15% in six weeks. Hence, garlic improves blood lipid profile.

      Can lack of sleep cause high cholesterol?

      Lack of sleep hurts lipid profile. Less sleep is known to increase LDL cholesterol levels and decrease HDL cholesterol levels. Research has shown that less than six hours of sleep every day increases the chances of heart disease.


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