
What is a Potassium Test?

Potassium test is a type of blood test performed to check the levels of potassium in your blood. Potassium is a mineral which is essential for the proper functioning of our nerves and muscles. It is basically an electrolyte which in the simplest of terms allows our muscles and nerves to ‘talk’ to each other. It also helps in transport of nutrients inside our cells and waste materials outside our cells. Furthermore, it plays a vital role in the functioning of our heart. Any variation in the levels of potassium in blood could lead to significant problems in our body. Alterations in potassium level in our body show symptoms like nausea, muscle cramps, frequent urination, irregular heart rhythm, low BP, dehydration, weakness, etc. 



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      Frequently Asked Questions:

      What is the Potassium Test used for?

      Potassium test is basically performed as a part of chemical tests carried out on our blood which is called the basic metabolic panel. However, it could be specifically indicated in order to diagnose or monitor heart disease, kidney disease, diabetic ketoacidosis and high blood pressure. Potassium test is also used for monitoring a few medications which tend to influence potassium levels. 

      Understanding the test results of Potassium Test

      Ideally the potassium test results in an adult should fall between 3.7 milliequivalents per litre (mEq/L) to 5.2 mEq/L. High or low results could indicate a health problem. High potassium levels could be due to kidney disease, burns, heart attack, diabetic ketoacidosis etc. Low potassium levels could be due to diarrhea, folic acid deficiency, kidney disease, Cushing syndrome etc.

      Why do I need Potassium Test?

      Potassium test could be indicated as a usual checkup test or if you present any symptoms of imbalance in potassium levels like: fatigue, irregular heart rhythms, weakness, muscle cramps, nausea, paralysis etc. It is also recommended when there is a need to monitor certain medications or conditions like diabetes, kidney disorder or heart disease.


      What happens during the Potassium Test?

      Potassium test is a very simple test requiring no pre-preparation. In this test, a blood sample is taken from a vein in your arm, which could feel like a sting, and is collected in a vial. This test takes just a few minutes. There are no side effects of potassium test.

      What can happen if your potassium level is very low?

      If our potassium levels fall too low, we shall experience fatigue, nausea, twitches, muscle cramps and paralysis too. Also, we could develop abnormal heart rhythms. Prolonged low levels could lead to kidney problems.

      What causes a high potassium level in a person?

      High potassium levels happen due to various reasons, they include:

      • Diabetes
      • Kidney failure
      • Severe burns
      • Excessive potassium intake
      • Addison’s disease
      • Blood transfusion
      • Consuming medicines like beta-blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics and angiotensin receptor blockers
      • Metabolic or respiratory acidosis
      • Tissue injury
      • Infection
      • Hypoaldosteronism 

      Which drugs cause high potassium?

      High potassium levels are caused by intake of certain drugs. List below are drugs which cause high potassium level:

      • Beta-blockers
      • Amino acids
      • Calcium channel blockers
      • Suxamethonium
      • Mannitol
      • Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors 
      • Angiotensin-II receptor blockers
      • Direct renin inhibitors
      • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
      • Calcineurin inhibitors
      • Heparin and derivatives
      • Aldosterone antagonists
      • Potassium-sparing diuretics
      • Trimethoprim
      • Pentamidine
      • Potassium supplements 

      What does high potassium mean in a blood test?

      Normal range of potassium levels in our blood is 3.7 milliequivalents per litre (mEq/L) to 5.2 mEq/L. If the levels exceed the maximum level, it means the potassium levels in your body are high. If the levels go beyond 7.0 millimoles per litre, then they may prove life-threatening to us.

      What blood test is done for potassium?

      To check the levels of potassium in our body, a potassium blood test is performed. In this test, a needle is inserted in a vein in our arm to collect our blood sample. It is then collected in a vial or test tube. To get yourself tested for potassium, Book An Appointment here.

      Why do doctors test potassium?

      Potassium is a vital mineral for our body. It is responsible for functioning of muscles and nerves in our body. Any decrease or increase in levels of potassium in our body could cause serious disorders. Testing of potassium levels help to check presence of kidney disorders, heart disorders or high blood pressure. Potassium test also helps to monitor kidney or heart conditions, diabetes and electrolyte imbalance. It also helps to monitor medications like diuretics, high blood pressure medications and heart medications. 


      What are signs of low potassium?

      If the levels of potassium fall low below symptoms are seen:

      • Nausea
      • Weakness
      • Fatigue
      • Muscle cramps
      • Irregular heart rhythms
      • Twitches


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