
What is a Pregnancy Test?

An at-home pregnancy test (HPT) is a test that confirms pregnancy at home. It is an inexpensive test that uses your urine sample and looks for a specific pregnancy hormone; human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The production of HCG starts as soon as an embryo implants in the uterus.

There are two ways to confirm pregnancy; an at-home pregnancy kit and a blood test. Both the tests look for the hCG hormone in the body through urine or blood.

With an at-home pregnancy test, a sign of one or two red lines confirms a pregnancy.

What is a Pregnancy Test used for?

A pregnancy test is used to confirm a pregnancy when a woman has missed her period. To do so, one can either buy a pregnancy kit readily available in the market or visit a hospital.

Both test methods look for the pregnancy hormone, hCG, produced only when an embryo is implanted in the uterus.

Understanding the test results of the Pregnancy Test

With different pregnancy kits available in the market, there could be different test results like lines, dots, + or -. Latest digital pregnancy kits even show results as “pregnant” or “not pregnant.”

If the strip shows two red lines or a plus (+) symbol, it means you are pregnant and vice versa.



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      Frequently Asked Questions:

      Why do I need a pregnancy Test?

      If you recently missed your periods, a pregnancy test can help you confirm a pregnancy. At-home pregnancy tests are 99% accurate and help detect a pregnancy as early as 10 days after conception.

      If the test confirms a pregnancy early, you can focus on the following things like doctor’s visits and prenatal care.

      What happens during Pregnancy Test?

      To take an at-home pregnancy test, buy a pregnancy kit from a pharmacy store. During the test, you can collect your urine in three ways:

      • Collect your first-morning urine in a cup and dip the strip in it,
      • or use a dropper to drop urine on the strip, or
      • place the strip at the expected urine stream.

      After this, wait for ten minutes to see the results.

      What does the C line mean on a pregnancy test?

      There are two markers on the pregnancy test strip; C and T. C stands for control line region, and T stands for test line region. C line is a clear line that validates the test. If it is absent or unclear, the test is faulty, and you need to retake a test. However, if you see both C and T lines, that means you are pregnant.

      What does a pregnancy test result look like when it is positive?

      Based on different pregnancy kits available, there could be different test interpretations. If you are pregnant, the pregnancy test result will show one of the following things:

      • A line.
      • Change in colour.
      • Plus or minus symbol.
      • “Pregnant,” or “not pregnant.”

      When should pregnancy test lines get darker?

      A pregnancy test strip is specially designed to detect the hCG hormone. If you are pregnant and your body produces hCG, your urine and blood sample will have some concentration. However, as time passes, the production increases, and so does its concentration. Therefore, the C and T line shows darker lines on the strip later.

      How many pregnancy tests should I take?

      Even if most pregnancy test kits are 99% accurate, you should use this test twice. This is because your test result may vary based on how soon you take this test. In early days, low hCG levels can go undetected, and the results can be negative or false positive. Hence, taking this test twice after a week of missed periods is advised.

      What are the symptoms of pregnancy?

      Most women take pregnancy tests when they experience early symptoms of pregnancy. Some of these include:

      • a missed period
      • urinating more than normal
      • feeling exhausted
      • nausea and vomiting
      • sensitive and swollen breasts

      Consult an expert or take a pregnancy test at home if you notice such symptoms.

      How soon can I test for pregnancy?

      The best time to take a pregnancy test is after a week when you have missed your periods. If you can’t wait for too long, you can take this test a week or two after having sex. It is because your body needs time to produce a detectable amount of hCG. If you take a test too soon, there are chances that the test result may vary.

      How would I know if I'm pregnant without taking a test?

      As soon as you get pregnant, your body goes through many changes. Some symptoms indicate a pregnancy without taking a test. It includes: 


      • Missed Periods
      • Spotting
      • Frequent urination
      • Sensitive Breast
      • Back pain
      • Headaches
      • Mood swings
      • Fatigue

      If you want to know more about pregnancy tests, you can book an appointment with our experts at Yashoda Hospital


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