
What is Stool Routine Test?

A Stool Routine Test is a non-invasive and painless test done to detect the presence of blood in the stool and any fungi, bacteria, or viruses. Simply collect the stool in a container and send it to the lab for analysis. Most useful to detect any gastrointestinal problems, the Stool Routine Test is an important test done by doctors. Read ahead to learn more and book a free second consultation.

A Stool Routine Test is a combination of several tests performed on a stool sample. This test uses methods like pH analysis, identifies the presence of blood in the stool sample, and even checks for microscopic bacteria, fungi, or viruses within the stool sample. The test results of a Stool Routine Test can also show whether there are pus cells or endoparasites in your gut. This test is a completely non-invasive and painless one. Moreover, there are no side effects to this test as well. You simply need to collect your stool sample in a container and send it to a diagnostic lab for analysis. 



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      Frequently Asked Questions:

      What is the Stool Routine Test used for?

      A Stool Routine Test analyses a stool sample to detect any underlying disease or other medical condition for which you may require treatment or even hospitalisation. It is used to detect any kind of harmful germs like bacteria, fungi, parasites, or viruses that may be present inside your gastrointestinal tract.

      How to understand the test results of the Stool Routine Test?

      Your stool routine test results can be either positive or negative. Hence, these types of tests are fairly easy to read. As a layman, the only thing you need to know when reading your stool routine test results is that negative denotes the absence of harmful germs while positive denotes the presence of harmful germs or any gastrointestinal abnormalities. 

      Why do I need a Stool Routine Test?

      A stool routine test helps to diagnose any medical condition that you may have. If you have been suffering from any kind of gastrointestinal discomfort or pain, you will most likely need to undergo this test. If you have certain long-term medical conditions like colon cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, etc., you may need this test more frequently.

      What happens during the Stool Routine Test?

      Before a stool routine test, you will have to collect a sample of your stool in a sterile container provided by your doctor or diagnostic laboratory. After this, you have to hand over the sample to the diagnostic lab. Your stool sample is analysed for abnormalities and disease-causing germs during the test.

      What diseases can be detected in a stool sample?

      A stool routine test can help doctors detect a host of medical conditions and provide an accurate diagnosis for timely treatment. This test can detect the presence of endoparasites (parasites that infect the inside of your body), overgrowth of fungi like yeast, bacteria in your gut, or even pathogenic bacteria like E. Coli.

      What does a positive poop test mean?

      A positive poop test or a stool routine test means that the pathologist at the diagnostic lab has detected the presence of harmful germs (bacteria, parasites, fungi, or viruses) in your stool sample. It can also mean that there are some underlying medical conditions like cancer. For a confirmed report, you should always consult your doctor.

      What is routine stool culture?

      A routine stool culture is a diagnostic test that involves leaving a stool sample in the presence of certain chemicals to identify the growth of unwanted and harmful germs. A routine stool culture is the same as a stool routine test, and it takes about a couple of days to even several weeks to get the results. 

      What is the importance of conducting a physical examination in stools?

      A physical examination of a stool sample is important when your doctor suspects that you may be infected with a harmful disease-causing germ. These germs can be bacteria, fungi, parasites, or even viruses. However, it is also important to identify if you have other medical conditions like colon cancer, anal fissures, etc.

      What does low pH in stool mean?

      A low pH in your stool sample means your intestines are not absorbing enough carbohydrates or fats into your body. It could also indicate any kind of inflammation in the intestines. Such inflammation can be caused by colitis, cancer, or overuse of antibiotics. Hence, further examination will be needed if your stool pH is low.

      What does low pH in stool mean?

      A low pH in your stool sample means your intestines are not absorbing enough carbohydrates or fats into your body. It could also indicate any kind of inflammation in the intestines. Such inflammation can be caused by colitis, cancer, or overuse of antibiotics. Hence, further examination will be needed if your stool pH is low.

      What does mucus in stool mean?

      While trace amounts of mucus in your stool sample are normal, excess mucus is not. This can be caused by irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease, UC, or even proctitis. In some severe cases, this could also indicate the onset of colon cancer and may warrant immediate treatment. However, it’s best to book an appointment or even a free second opinion just to be sure. 

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