
What is the TORCH Test?

The TORCH Test is a set of tests for detecting life-threatening infections in pregnant women. During pregnancy, infections can pass from the mother to the foetus. TORCH Test helps prevent complications in the newborn through early detection.

The name of the test is an acronym for the infections covered in the screening:

  • Toxoplasmosis
  • Other (HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis viruses, Varicella, Parvovirus)
  • Rubella (German measles)
  • Cytomegalovirus (the most common organism causing congenital infections)
  • Herpes simplex

These tests screen for antibodies for these infections especially, IgG and IgM antibodies. The doctor assesses if the foetus has been exposed to infection by watching the mother’s symptoms and using these antibodies.



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      Frequently Asked Questions:

      What is the TORCH Test used for?

      TORCH is a diagnostic test done in pregnant women or women planning to conceive. It aids in screening infections caused by Toxoplasma, Syphilis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, and Herpes simplex virus microorganisms. 

      If pregnant women contract these infections, they may pass through the placenta to the foetus. It may then cause problems such as:

      • Miscarriages 
      • Stillbirths
      • Babies being born with severe congenital disabilities

      Understanding the test results of the TORCH Test

      The TORCH Test results show positive if IgM and IgG antibodies for any infections are present. It indicates the patient had the disease in the past or is having it currently. The test shows negative results for all the conditions if no antibodies are detected while screening. 

      Referring to the standard values of the TORCH Test help to check the deviation from original values.

      Why do I need a TORCH Test?

      You should undergo the TORCH Test if you are pregnant or planning on pregnancy to rule out infections caused by TORCH-listed organisms. Physicians also recommend this test for newborn babies. 

      These organisms might harm the developing foetus during pregnancy and may cause miscarriages. It might impair the normal growth of foetus and might lead to congenital difficulties.

      What happens during the TORCH Test?

      TORCH Test is done by drawing a blood sample and checking for the presence of IgG and IgM antibodies for one or more infections of TORCH screening. This test does not require any fasting or other preparations. 

      Trained personnel collect blood from the veins in the arm. They then extract the serum and use it for immunological tests.

      What does a positive TORCH mean?

      The results from the blood sample for the TORCH Test can either be positive or negative. 

      If the TORCH Test is positive, it implies that the blood sample had antibodies of IgG or IgM while screening. It indicates that the patient has been vaccinated against these diseases or is currently suffering from the infection. 

      The physician may subject you to further tests to confirm suspected infections.

      What diseases are tested for using the TORCH panel?

      The TORCH Test screens for the following: 

      • Toxoplasmosis     
      • Rubella(German measles)
      • Congenital infections caused by Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 
      • Herpes simplex virus infections
      • Other microbial infections such as Hepatitis and Syphilis. 

      What is the TORCH Test after miscarriage?

      Miscarriage may be due to several reasons. 

      One of the reasons might be infection by pathogenic microorganisms such as Toxoplasma or Rubella. Hence, it is important to undergo the TORCH Test to ascertain the miscarriage is not due to these organisms. 

      If the screening gives positive results, the doctors can prevent further miscarriages through treatment.

      Is the TORCH Test necessary?

      Certain infections can pass through the placental barrier and harm the developing fetus. Pregnant women and women planning to conceive should ensure that they do not have any prior infection.

      TORCH test helps to detect the presence of such infections by allowing one to receive timely medical intervention for the condition and promote the healthy development of the fetus. 

      When is the TORCH Test done in a pregnancy?

      Usually, doctors prescribe women to undergo the TORCH Test on the first visit after the pregnancy is confirmed. 

      The growing foetus is susceptible during the first 3-4 months of pregnancy. Hence, doctors recommend this panel of tests to ensure that any infection in pregnant women does not pass onto the growing fetus and cause abnormalities.  

      What does the TORCH Test indicate?

      The torch test indicates whether the patient has an infection caused by the listed TORCH organisms or had the condition in the past. 

      When pathogens invade the body, it produces antibodies. IgG and IgM are the two primary antibodies produced. This diagnostic test helps in detecting these antibodies.


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