
What is a Vitamin C Test?

Vitamin C, also known as Ascorbic Acid, plays a vital role in growth and repair, maintaining cartilages, bones, and teeth, forming scar tissues, healing wounds, and making blood vessels, tendons, ligaments, etc. A Vitamin C test is a test performed to evaluate the levels of Vitamin C in your body. Deficiency in Vitamin C could be due to various underlying conditions or diseases like alcoholism, kidney failure or diseases, etc., and malabsorption of the vitamin through food intake.

Your doctor might recommend a Vitamin C test to evaluate the vitamin levels and start treatment if any deficiency-related symptoms exist. 

Avail a Vitamin C test at Yashoda Hospitals and get fast and 100% accurate results at a nominal price. Stay fit, stay disease-free!



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      Frequently Asked Questions:

      What is the Vitamin C Test used for?

      Vitamin C test is used to evaluate the levels of the vitamin in the body. Usually used to check deficiency or other medical conditions, Vitamin C tests measure cardiovascular, immune, and nutritional status. If the test results indicate Vitamin C deficiency, your doctor recommends supplements or a Vitamin C-rich diet.

      Understanding the test results of the Vitamin C Test

      Vitamin C levels range from 0.4 to 1.7 mg/dL in the bloodstream. Tissues might have a higher concentration than the mentioned range and usually differ from tissue to tissue. The concentration of Vitamin C in red blood corpuscles can be about 80 times higher than that present in the blood.

      Why do I need Vitamin C Test?

      Vitamin C test helps detect Vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C is required for important bodily processes, and Vitamin C deficiency could indicate various underlying conditions. It is important to get a Vitamin C test done when you experience common deficiency symptoms.

      What happens during the Vitamin C Test?

      For a Vitamin C test, fasting for 10-12 hours is required, and you will be asked to refrain from Vitamin C supplements and fruits before the test. The test will be performed by venipuncture, wherein blood is drawn from the inner side of the elbow or back of the hand and stored in an air-tight vial or syringe for further preparation. After preparation and sampling, the test results take around 3-4 days.

      What happens if your vitamin C levels are high?

      Dietary Vitamin C intake is usually harmless and has rarely been known to cause side effects. However, mega doses of Vitamin C can cause symptoms like abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, insomnia, headaches, etc. It is always better to consume Vitamin C-rich foods than take vitamin supplements without your doctor’s prescription.

      What are the symptoms of low vitamin C levels?

      Common symptoms of Vitamin C deficiency are rough and bumpy skin, bright red hair follicles, corkscrew-shaped body hair, dry skin, easy bruising, fingernails with red spots or lines, painful or swollen joints, slow wound healing, tooth loss, and bleeding gums, weak bones, poor mood and fatigue, iron deficiency anemia, unexplained weight gain, etc.

      What are normal Vitamin C levels?

      Normal reference values of Vitamin C are 0.4-2.0 mg/dL. Values below 0.2 mg/dL indicate a significant deficiency. In contrast, values above 0.2 to 0.4 mg/dL indicate a moderate risk of deficiency due to inadequate tissue stores of Vitamin C. Values above 4 mg/dL suggest excess intake.

      How long does a vitamin C test take?

      The results might take around 3-4 days from sample collection to sample testing. Sample collection involves drawing blood through venipuncture from the inner side of the elbow or back of the hand in an air-tight vial or syringe. It is required to fast for 10-12 hours and refrain from vitamin C supplements and fruits before the test.

      Is vitamin C blood test accurate?

      Vitamin C levels in Serum and plasma are different from those in body tissues. The most accurate levels of Vitamin C can be checked from lymphocytes. It is considered the most accurate assessment of true Vitamin C status. Lymphocytic Vitamin C levels are not affected by circadian rhythm or dietary changes.

      What is the average cost of vitamin C tests?

      The average cost of a Vitamin C test ranges from 1000 INR to 4000 INR. Depending on cities, labs, equipment, accuracy, and many other factors, the average cost of Vitamin C tests differs.


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