Linagliptin - Uses - Dosages - Side Effects - Precautions

Linagliptin: Frequently Asked Questions Answered

What is the molecular name of linagliptin?

Linagliptin is a  therapeutic drug used to treat type-2 diabetes, diabetes mellitus. It is a type of dipeptidyl peptidase DPP-4 inhibitor that lowers blood glucose levels by stimulating insulin and inhibiting glucagon production. Unlike other DPP4 inhibitors, linagliptin is excreted through the non-renal route and does not need any adjustment of doses, even in renal impaired patients. These DPP-4 inhibitors have a complementary mechanism of action with insulin therapy when taken with basal insulin. Linagliptin is shown to control glycemic index in patients with inadequately controlled T2DM.

What are the uses of linagliptin?

Some uses and benefits are:   

  • Used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes, along with proper adjustment of diet and exercise
  • Prevents high blood sugar levels and prevents the occurrence of serious complications  such as kidney damage (nephropathy),eyesight loss etc

For optimal benefits, you must take this medication as prescribed by the physician in its recommended dosage along with proper diet and exercise.

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What are the side effects of linagliptin?

 Some of the common side effects of linagliptin include:

  • Upper respiratory infection
  • Runny nose
  • Stuffy nose
  • Weight gain
  • Cough
  • Headache
  • Muscle or joint pain
  • Low blood sugar

Serious side effects include

  • Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis); symptoms include pain in the upper stomach  which radiates to the back
  • Bullous pemphigoid
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headache with fever with peeling, blisters, and red skin rashes
  • Burning eyes
  • Allergic reactions


Frequently Asked Questions about Linagliptin

1. Can linagliptin be crushed?

Linagliptin, a second-line DPP4 inhibitor, is usually given in a dosage of 5mg once daily. It is a white to the yellowish hard tablet. This tablet is to be consumed orally once a day with or without food. It can be crushed as it is hard and dispersed in water for consumption.

2. Does it cause hypoglycemia?

Linagliptin does not by itself cause hypoglycemia; however, when consumed in combination with other drugs, it may cause hypoglycemia. Linagliptin in combination with other anti-diabetic drugs such as gliclazide and insulin may cause hypoglycemia.

3. How does linagliptin work?

Linagliptin is a class of medications called dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors. It acts by increasing the amount of insulin and helps in lowering blood sugar when there is a steep rise in it. It works best when combined with a proper diet, exercise, and other drugs that control blood sugar levels.

4. Is linagliptin better than metformin?

Linagliptin and metformin are used as combinational drugs, to treat patients with diabetes mellitus. Studies done individually, with linagliptin and metformin, did not show significant differences, but linagliptin was more convenient for the treatment of diabetic patients with kidney problems as Linagliptin is not excreted through the kidney. Metformin, on the other hand, is excreted through the kidneys and cannot be prescribed to diabetic patients with kidney problems.

5. Is linagliptin safe in renal failure?

Yes, linagliptin is safe for renal failure patients. Unlike other anti-diabetic medicines, such as sitagliptin and metformin, linagliptin is metabolized and excreted through non-renal ways, through the hepatobiliary route. Hence, it does not burden the kidneys and can also be used without dose adjustments. On patients suffering from chronic kidney disease.

6. How long is linagliptin safe?

Linagliptin can be taken for several years, without any side effects. It can even be taken life-long but, with time it may become less effective in controlling blood sugar levels. In such a case, the doctor might suggest an alternative treatment. Discontinuation of linagliptin should be done under a doctor’s consultation.

7. Is linagliptin better than sitagliptin?

Studies show that Linagliptin and Sitagliptin showed similar efficacy, and no significant difference was found between the two. They can be used interchangeably, depending on the cost and availability. But, studies have shown that linagliptin is preferred by patients suffering from kidney problems as it is eliminated by other routes than kidneys.

8. Is linagliptin 10 a higher dose?

Linagliptin is a medication used to control glycemic index along with proper diet and exercise. The recommended dosage. Is 5mg once a day with or without food. This dosage has been selected according to the clinical trial reports. However, a higher dosage of 10 mg might not cause any adverse effects, it is advisable to consult your doctor regarding the change of dosage.

9. Can I take metformin and linagliptin together?

Studies have shown that linagliptin, in combination with metformin, works well in regulating glycemic index together rather than taken individually. Like other DPP-4 inhibitors, linagliptin is sold in a single pill formulation with metformin. They are effective together, because of their complementary effects. Linagliptin inhibits the DPP-4 enzyme, which enhances glucose-dependent insulin secretion but the mechanism of action of metformin is not dependent on insulin secretion.

10. What is the best time to take linagliptin?

Linagliptin an anti-diabetic medication is consumed orally with or without food. It is consumed once a day and has to be taken at the same time every day for best results. It is used singly or in combination with other drugs to increase effectiveness. The prescription label given by the doctor should be followed for the best results.

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      Disclaimer: The information provided herein is accurate, updated and complete as per the best practices of the Company. Please note that this information should not be treated as a replacement for physical medical consultation or advice. We do not guarantee the accuracy and the completeness of the information so provided. The absence of any information and/or warning to any drug shall not be considered and assumed as an implied assurance of the Company. We do not take any responsibility for the consequences arising out of the aforementioned information and strongly recommend you for a physical consultation in case of any queries or doubts.