
Patient Testimonial for Treatment for Kidney Disease

Testimonial by Mrs. Laxmi Das Roy

Treatment for: Kidney Disease
Treated by: Dr. Sashi Kiran
Patient location: West Bengal

Kidney disease, also known as renal disease, is a disorder in which the kidneys become damaged and no longer function effectively. There are numerous causes of kidney disease, but the most common include diabetes, high blood pressure, infections, and genetic disorders.

The treatment for kidney disease is determined by the underlying cause as well as the severity of the condition. In the early stages, lifestyle adjustments such as diet and exercise may be recommended to reduce the progression of the condition. Medications are also prescribed to treat high blood pressure, diabetes, and other symptoms. In more advanced cases, treatments may involve dialysis, which is a method that employs a machine to filter waste items from the blood when the kidneys are no longer able to do so. In some situations, a kidney transplant may be recommended.

Recovery from kidney disease treatment can vary based on the individual and the severity of the disease. Those who undergo treatment in the early stages of renal illness have a better chance of recovering and preserving kidney function in general. Those who receive dialysis or a kidney transplant may experience a period of adjustment as they learn to manage their therapy and adapt to any necessary lifestyle adjustments.

Mrs. Laxmi Das Roy from West Bengal underwent treatment for kidney disease, under the supervision of Dr. Sashi Kiran, Consultant Nephrologist, Yashoda Hospitals.

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